In an attempt to keep members and guests as safe as possible whilst visiting the Bowls Centre the CBIBC Management Committee have set out the following procedures to be followed by all:
1.If you feel ill or show any symptoms such as a High Temperature, a new Continuous Cough, or a loss or change to your sense of Smell or Taste please do not visit the Centre. Get tested!
2.Arrival-please sanitise your hands using the automatic dispenser to the left of the security door before entering the Centre.Scan into our NHS QR Poster situated at the Front Entrance and Reception.
3.Playing Bowls-Wear your mask/shield whilst playing bowls, if you can, to protect yourself and others.
Social distance at all times and do not touch other bowler’s equipment.
DO NOT shake hands at the beginning or end of a game
4.Moving Around the Bowls Centre- Wear your mask/shield when off the green walking around and maintain social distancing.
5.Lounge area-A one-way system is in operation when accessing the urn for refreshments. Please social distance in this area, but once seated no mask/shield needs to be worn.
6.Toilets - The outer door will be left open and the inner door will be closed.To avoid touching surfaces, please use the hand towels provided – do not flush these down the toilets but dispose of in bins.
7.Changing Rooms - In full use, but please be aware of numbers and do not remain inside longer than necessary.
8.Reception - One person at a time please. If you are waiting please social distance. No Entry to Office.
In addition to our normal cleaning and sanitising system, the Club has organised a complete sanitisation programme that covers the entire Bowls Hall including carpets, chairs, tables, rails, bowls mats, etc.The Centre is sprayed once a month with a product call Zoono that keeps killing viruses for up to a month. However, we cannot rely on just this product to do the job completely, you as a member must also be responsible for keeping our Club a Covid safe environment.Please help by doing the following:
Disposing of Rubbish-Please use the large pedal bins provided by the Reception, Lounge Area and Walkways.DO NOT use the small bins at the back of each rinks unless disposing of antibacterial wipes.Take your plastic bottles home!
Hand Sanitiser & Antibacterial Wipes- The Club has provided both products. They are on the tables at the back of rinks and at the top seating area, in the Lounge area by the urn and on the bar.Additionally, automatic hand sanitising dispensers are situated at Reception, by each entrance of the Ladies, Gents and Disabled Toilets and in between the entrances to the Ladies and Gents Changing rooms.Please use them as necessary.
Moving Chairs/Furniture-Please avoid moving chairs, etc. where possible, but if you do have to move an item please put it back to where you found it when you have finished!
Please be very aware that even though you have been double vaccinated you could still catch or pass on the Covid-19 virus, so we would ask you as members and guests to take every possible precaution to avoid the virus entering the Bowls Centre.
The Committee retains the right to amend the above procedures at any time, or to close the Bowls Centre, should there be any risk of infection to it’s working volunteers, bowlers or guests. In the case of an outbreak the Committee will undertake to inform the membership as soon as possible.